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AISP: a passing of the baton

  • By admin
  • November 8, 2023

Members and followers of the Association of International Seafood Professionals will no doubt be aware that Mr Roy D Palmer, our Founding Member has stepped aside into a different role at AISP.

No he is not gone forever, in fact he is probably more active than ever, but just not undertaking International travel at this time as he concentrates on his family from Melbourne, his Australian home.  Roy is working hard to bring AquaFarm 2024 to our global community on the Gold Coast, Australia

Stepping up to fill the void left by Roy as President, AISP is Ms Katherine Hawes, President who is well known to many of you as the founder and Principal Solicitor at Aquarius

Lawyers.  She is more than ably assisted by AntonioGarza de Yta,Senior Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisor who is currently working in the Aquaculture sector in Oman.  Julie Bargenquast, Practice Manager at Aquarius Lawyers is a Director and working on updating our marketing, sponsorship and membership programs. 

If you are reading this then you are currently on our revamped website.  You will see that we are also about to contact all current members to outline our new membership offering which can be found at.

The Board are currently working on a Seafood Professional Certification Program that will become available in early 2024 and be launched at AquaFarm 2024.  Watch the news channel for development of this program.

Our organisation has been riding the wave of technological change, which means the digital ecosystems related to aquaculture are creating efficiencies and improving the seafood end product to consumers.  However, we believe there will be a momentous change in Aquaculture funding and development through 2024-25 as we increase seafood consumption around the world.  

Here in Australia our Prime Minister is on the first visit to China in 50 years and we expect seafood trade agreements will be in place before the end of 2023, which is a major boost for the seafood industry in our region.  

These types of developments are the reason that we need our organisation so that we can all stay connected, have touchpoints in which to share the developments that impact us both globally and locally as well as stay socially connected with like-minded people.  One way you can stay connected is to send us a 1000 word blog article and we can discuss with you publishing it on our website.  Please use the Contact Page to send the article.

It is with this intent of connectedness and increasing seafood consumption that we will promote our new style Sponsorship and Membership Programs to you.  If for some reason one of our programs does not quite meet your requirements then please contact us and we can discuss how we can best service your requirements.

As usual it is a pleasure to connect.  Hopefully we will see some of you at the World Aquaculture Society Conference, Aficaqua 2023, in Zambia next week.  All of our Directors are in attendance representing their organisations as well as AISP and of course Aquaculture without Frontiers.

Until the next time we meet.

Katherine Hawes


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